Bitcoin’s Value and Satoshi Cycle
Without getting into the real driving force of Bitcoin serving as the reserve currency in cyprtospace and as the emerging financial technology on the blockchain, here are some fundamental elements as to why Bitcoin has value. In order to get into the dynamics of what gives Bitcoin its intrinsic value, we need to establish a few definitions. First off when we say a storehouse of value we are referring to assets which retain their value and increase over a period of time and not subject to inflation, like the dollar. Real Estate is a prime example of a storehouse of value. For example in New York where there is no room for expansion and acquisition is competitive. The intrinsic value in Real Estate is enormous. We are seeing this across the country in many cities as supply and demand do their dance. Another storehouse for value can be Stocks and Bonds. If you invested in Amazon, Google or Apple at its inception you currently would be worth millions! Today these Stocks still serve as