Realtors perspective on Crypto and Real Estate

Over the last 20 years, we have seen the Real Estate industry evolve. In 1998 I received my Real Estate license and studied from Gurus of the time like Carlton sheets with his no money down methods. To this day, many of those methods are still applicable. Being an investor has helped me as a realtor. Most Realtors I know are also investors. It just goes with the job description. After all, we are in sales, and most Realtors are there own best customer. Through the years, we have helped hundreds of homeowners and investors buy and sell properties. We have survived the inflationary cycles and have learned to adjust to the cyclical market conditions.

Many seasoned Realtors will recall the recession, which started in 2008 and peaked in 2010. As a result of this bubble, cryptocurrencies were born.

Here we were in 2019, Cryptocurrencies are a new asset class, and Real Estate has fully recovered and completed another inflationary cycle. As a Realtor, we have seen, over the last few years,  the market inundated with consumers and investors. Property prices have skyrocketed, and the boom has fueled economic demand. The minute a property hits the market, multiple offers and buyers follow it. It has become challenging to help clients acquire properties at the fair market value when everything comes in with a multiple offer situation.

Recently all these indicators of a Real Estate bubble looming pushed us into an alternative market of crypto and blockchain investing. Bitcoin has seen a steady rate of return since 2010. With the advent of Ethereum and smart contract development, we have seen the crypto market flourish into a robust financial technologies market full of innovation and promise.

The syndication for the acquisition of Real Estate is nothing new. Now as Realtors now have a whole new pool of investors and tools at our disposal. Crypto and the internet has allowed us to market and sell to investors like never before. In the future Realtors will be more of fund managers and stockbrokers but with tokenized Real Estates assets. As the actual need for Realtors diminishes due to the internet, technology, and 4th industrial platforms that are introducing permissionless transactions.

Today many of the forums available like Facebook and Telegram create communities where investors can communicate directly with fund managers, creators, and developers. What I have found is now as realtors we have forums to sell investors on and can easily communicate with investors, in every language, all around the world as never seen before. If your investors are happy and confident, then they will fund your venture. Tokenization brings real estate investing and selling real estate to a whole new level. 


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