What We learned from Bitcoin and Blockchain Conferences we attended in 2018

The year of 2018 came in strong! Bitcoin peaked out at 20k, and everyone was fired up! This was the year we were going to launch our tokenized Real estate investment fund. So we set off around the world attending conferences and gathering as much information and contacts as we could. 

One of the first Conferences we attended last year was the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami, Florida. This was the first Bitcoin conference we had been too! Two days packed full of information. We were wooed and wowed by all the potential we saw. It was a trillion dollars sales pitch on the amount of equity out there, and everyone's dream was possible. It almost felt like a religious rally for bitcoiners, and we were fired up! The security token market appeared to be taking off, and the air was thick with optimism and promise.

When we came back, we began feverishly working, following up with connections and organizing our plan and approach. We spent several months working on our tokens and were using the ERC-20 protocol. We created the tokens and were getting ready to launch when we decided to wait until after our next conference with International Blockchain Real Estate Association in Amsterdam.

This was our 2nd IBREA conference attended. These conferences were actually better and more geared to Real Estate and tokenization.  The crowd was more professional, and the smaller group left for a more intimate setting with a group of the most sophisticated and tech-savvy individuals in the world. Here we met with Global bankers, Fund managers, attorneys, and accountants. Everyone with their own perspective on the future of tokenization. It is here we learned about the Stellar consensus protocol and its decentralized built-in exchange and how this was the Swiss banker's tokenization protocol of choice. Even now, many ERC-20 security tokens are not listed due to lack of regulatory framework in place. Not only that but many of these exchange charge absorbent fees to list tokens along with monthly dues to keep them registered. There are no fees to list or exchange on the stellar protocol. Not only that but the scalability of transaction speeds are faster and with lower fees. 

So we scrapped our ERC-20 tokens and started all over again. In the meantime, we were also working on developing our team. Although everyone in the crypto community was helpful, everyone was involved working on their own projects. So we kept plugging and networking.

Next, we were off to London for an Introduction to fund management by Bayfield School of Finance. Here we met with other fund managers and discussed the basics of economics, its cycles, and management. We learned that the only real deterrent to economic cycles was seasoning and knowing what patterns lead to recessions and their recovery.

Our next conference was in our hometown of Nashville, TN. It was the 36/86 opportunity fund conference. Here we heard from fund managers and other startups looking for capital. It was a 3-day conference packed with information and insights. We discovered opportunity zones and the potential tax benefits and incentives for private equity. So we began to look for these opportunity zones and deals.

What we discovered is that even though there are substantial tax incentives, these zones are underdeveloped and in some cases in undesirable locations. Most of these locations will take years to develop, and the economic climate is slowly shifting after 10 years of zero interest loans. We also discovered that there are trillions of dollars in capital out there waiting to be deployed. But the biggest problem is structuring real estate deals that made sense. Liquidity for these securities can also be a problem. 

The current Real Estate market in the US is saturated with buyers. Sellers are selling at all-time highs due to the demand. We are at the end of another inflationary cycle, and most seasoned investors are wary of this and begining to be more selective in their acquisitions. 

Here we are today in Puerto Rico.  The perfect climate for capital and opportunity zones. Unlike the rest of the US market, Puerto Rico's Real Estate climate is ripe for the picking. Deals that make sense are everywhere. A unique opportunity to invest in Puerto Rico's Vacation Rental industry and added tax incentive like Act 74 make this the perfect place to invest. Investors are hungry and ready. Investing in Puerto Rico is a culmination of the last 18 months of our journey. We have listened to what investors need and responded accordingly. Tokenization is just another exit strategy and resource for Investors to trade their securities. In 10 years, tokenization will be as mainstream as the internet is today. We are on the precipice of a new financial era. 

In conclusion, what we got out of all these conferences is that the economic climate of finance is changing, making it easier to access capital and assets to store value. However, the opportunities have to be sought out, and this is where we fit in. If your thinking of investing in Puerto Rico's opportunity zone we would love to discuss the possibilities. And for whatever answers we don't know we can put you in contact with someone who does. We look forward to working with you and seeing you soon in Puerto Rico!


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